Help us help more kids enjoy biking
The team at ZOIC is proud to renew our support for the cycling non-profit Trips for Kids and their new Learn+Earn-a-Bike Anywhere program by donating 10% of all sales through March 25th through the 31st. Shop today to help more kids ride bikes tomorrow!
Trips for Kids founder Marilyn Price riding with participating youth
Outdoor activity has been one of the few bright spots for kids through the dark and uncertain times of COVID-19. When CDC guidance led to school closures and discouraged contact among households, many kids could still get out on their own and with family, trading home lockdown for fresh air and the beauty found in parks and on trails. But countless others didn’t have the opportunity or the gear that allowed them to escape the indoors and explore open spaces. This dichotomy gave renewed purpose to the staff and mission of Trips for Kids.
Trips for Kids works tirelessly to break down barriers and open access to the outdoors for disadvantaged young people. They envision a world where every kid in every community has the opportunity to know the joy of riding a bike and the freedom to explore the natural world on two wheels.
Kids engaged by the Learn+Earn-A-Bike Anywhere program
The donation from ZOIC will directly fund Trips for Kids new Learn+Earn-a-Bike Anywhere program which will teach kids essential bicycle skills and reward them with free bikes and riding gear! This new virtual program will provide youth with the basic fundamentals of bike safety, bike mechanics and environmental impact to teach them about being well-rounded and responsible riders.
Save the Earth, Ride a Bike T-shirt for sale from Trips for Kids
Anyone wishing to directly donate to Trips for Kids can purchase their Save the Earth, Ride a Bike t-shirt, or make a direct donation to their current match campaign.